Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fez on Wheels Rolls Out Tomorrow.

Fez on Wheels Rolls Out Tomorrow (Shhh! It's a Secret)

fez.jpgA new food truck specializing in Middle Eastern street food is quietly launching tomorrow. Fez on Wheels will be at Safeco Field from 5 to 8 pm. "It's our secret first run tomorrow! Getting the feet wet," says owner/operator Jason Vickers. "We have Persian, Egyptian, Moroccan and Turkish offerings. We've crafted our own sodas and special iced tea (Jallab with a twist!)."
Vickers, who basically grew up in kitchens around Seattle (Campagne, Brasa, Flying Fish), and his business partner Chris Andersen will be out again on Friday in Georgetown from 11 am to 2 pm.
As it stands we will be in Georgetown Fridays on 4th Ave. near the Design Center; we have a handful of dates at Safeco Field; we will be at Amazon in the truck rotation there; and we have several pop-up dates at brewpubs.
As to how the name came about, says Vickers:

Fez is the largest city in Morocco and is said to be the "soul of the nation." What better place to evoke as we make foods that celebrate what we find beautiful about this culture!
Neither Chris nor I have any personal heritage based in this part of the world — it's more of a love of the cuisine born out of years as caterers where one specializes in whatever the client prefers. Over time we had wonderful creative cooking jams and experiences shopping for and creating this food. I teach it as well, as often as possible, which is great fun as there are so many old stories attached to so much of the cuisine.
You can take a look at some of the dishes Fez will be serving up on the truck's Instagram. And check out their Facebook for time and location updates.
· Fez on Wheels [Instagram]
· Fez on Wheels [Facebook]
· All Meals on Wheels Coverage [~ESEA~]



Fes Real estate

Fes Real estate
Fes Morocco