Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tagine Cooking Pots - An Ideal Kitchen Equipment To Have

Tagine Cooking Pots - An Ideal Kitchen Equipment To Have

For women who love to cook, having a few tagine cooking pots in their kitchen would be ideal. Here are a few reasons why they make ideal kitchen equipment.
Easy To Use
Morrocan kitchen
These Moroccan tagines are very easy to use. They consist of only 2 parts which is the base and a cone-shaped lid. Traditionally used by nomads as a portable oven to cook their food, these tagine cooking pots have now made their way into our homes as more and more people are being made aware on how easy it is to use them. Not to mention the delicious food that you can whip up with these pots. All you need to do is to use it on a stove or in an oven.
Cook Delicious Stews
Whether you fancy vegetarian dishes or love to eat meat, all you need to do is to heat up the base. Add some olive oil and sear your meats which could either be beef, chicken, fish, lamb or mutton. Remove the meats and use the base to stir fry your vegetables. Add in your own chicken stock or tomato juice and allow it to boil before adding back your meats. Think of the pot as a slow cooker since the cone-shaped top will allow condensation to happen so that your stew won't dry up so fast. Also, please take note that some tagines are cooking tagines while some may be serving tagines. You obviously can't use a serving tagine to cook as it's only meant for serving. So you can have more than one tagine in your kitchen to use.
Use Indoor Or Outdoor
Whether you prefer to use these Moroccan tagines indoor on your stove or to bring them out to cook over some charcoal is totally up to you. In fact, it will be a wonderful experience to have friends and family members over when you are using these tagine cooking pots so that they get to enjoy the lovely stews that you cook. You could choose to get a glazed or unglazed tagine depending on your taste. Either way, these traditional clay cooking pots is bound to be a hit as you share a meal with guests.
As you can, this is why these tagine cooking pots make such an excellent addition to your kitchen equipment range. Other than whipping up lovely Moroccan cuisine, they are easy to use be it indoors or outdoors. Enjoy them!
Amelia Warmheart is an avid traveler but a lousy cook. When not traveling or recovering from jet lag, she shares that tagine cooking pots make ideal kitchen equipment. You could use these Morrocan tagines to whip up delicious Moroccan cuisine as they are easy to use whether indoors or outdoors.



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